
Dry eyes

Dry eyes

You may be surprised to learn that the eye is covered with tears not only in difficult times. The tears are necessary for the normal functioning of the eye and therefore in an ideal situation should cover it during all waking and sleeping time.

Tears consist of several components, all of which are necessary for their proper functioning, a defect or deficiency in any one of them may lead to “dry eye”.

1. Water and mucus

The main component of the tear, its purpose is to provide moisture in a uniform distribution over the entire surface of the eye

2. Oil molecules

important for slowing down the evaporation of the tear layer from the eye

3. Antibodies

Provide an immediate response to infections and other pathogens

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When there is a problem with the tear production system, dryness in the eyes may occur, accompanied by the following symptoms:

Feeling of a foreign body or sand in the eye


red eyes

Blurred vision

Increased sensitivity to light

Increased tears : Paradoxically, when the tear layer is not normal, it is easier to create irritation on the surface of the eye, following which a tear reflex is activated (similar to the situation when something enters the eye) which releases a large amount of tears, which are mainly watery, in an attempt to wash out the irritation. The problem is that these tears differ in composition from normal tears and therefore do not provide the necessary protection for the eye.

The incidence of dry eye increases with age and is higher in women (after menopause due to a decrease in estrogen levels). The causes of dry eye are varied, starting from unhealthy habits such as prolonged screen time, lack of sleep, an unbalanced diet, prolonged stay in a closed, air-conditioned environment, and ending with underlying diseases such as Sjörgen’s syndrome, Parkinson’s and the use of certain medications.

There are several types of treatments for dry eye. Choosing the right treatment begins with an accurate diagnosis of the specific problem that led to the disease (damage to the fatty layer, insufficient production of the tear layer, etc.) as well as an investigation and reference to the risk factors in an attempt to reduce them. Then, depending on how much the symptoms interfere and disrupt your daily life, the most relevant treatment options will be offered.

It is important to remember that the goal of the treatments is to treat the cause and provide a solution to the dry eye problem.

Besides the proposed treatments, there are several measures to temporarily relieve the symptoms and the discomfort caused by the disease (but they do not solve the problem!):

1. Using eye drops:

There are different types of drops that differ in their composition, the time they stay on the eye, and the convenience of using them. There is no one type that fits all, fitting is done based on trial and error. If dryness is felt even while sleeping, you can use ointments with a higher percentage of fat that will last longer on the eye (of which oily ones interfere with vision and are therefore intended for use while sleeping).

2. Sealing the tear drainage tubes:

By inserting special seals, tears are prevented from draining into the nose, thus increasing the time they stay on top of the eye.

3. Using a home humidifier and adding food supplements such as omega 3 to the daily menu

If the symptoms do not go away or worsen, you should be examined by a specialist doctor. Apart from the discomfort and limitations associated with dry eye, there may be complications such as scarring or corneal ulcers that may irreversibly damage vision.

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